iPhone 4G 功能率先睇 (獨家)           網友起底 陳巧文私人照三圍網上散播           《古靈精探B》 陳美詩雙乳動L           受不了AV女優蒼井空的誘惑           港女Ruby 大起底           自大港女Ruby笑會考監場老師英文差          

2010年4月14日 星期三

[有趣影片] 潮貓潮狗學人玩iPad

Iggy investigates an ipad

Iggy is 6 year old male cat, who has always been exceedingly curious and technologically inclined.

Iggy paints a picture

Iggy checks out a new app: Splatter HD. This is a multitouch drawing app where you can shake the ipad to clear it. a definite hit amoungst humans and animals alike!

A Dog, Corgi plays with the iPad.





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